Submission to God

Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 5:5-6 KJV

5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Today’s lesson will speak on “submission”. We will start with the highest level of “submission” which is “submission to God”. We first must start with the basic understanding that “submission” is different than agreement. Generally, when we use the term agreement it is understood that all the people involved with the decision or conversation are in agreement. Agreement is unity and harmony basically like-mindedness. Agreement is known for being hard to achieve but once you have it it is a precious commodity. On the other hand when there is no agreement we have disharmony and sometimes strife and division. However, God has given us a remedy to use in cases of disagreement. A type of compromise so-to-speak which is known as “submission”. Look at the above reference verse 5a it clearly states “. . . ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder”. This has threefold application in the identifying the younger, recognizing the elder and what action is required by whom. Starting with the first identification part of the statement, “Who is the younger?” That would be all people younger than God. This is not speaking to just new born-again Christians but all Christians no matter what age because our second identification is known as “the elder”. So we can easily understand that “the elder” is referring to Jesus Christ, or Lord. Yes, God Himself because the scripture could have easily read “elders” which would have referred to various elders in the Body of Christ and included some of the patriarchs of the Old Testament. However, this verse doesn’t refer to a group of people but rather one person known as “the elder” or we could say God. Now someone could always mention that even God Himself is known in three persons and we would agree but we would counter-mention that even the three only have one voice because there is perfect harmony and unity between the three. So Jesus only speaks what He hears from the Father God and that specific information is passed unto the Holy Spirit to speak to us displaying perfect unity and perfect submission. We also notice that the context of both verses 5 and 6 speak directly about God so it is not out of context to highlight the fact that “the elder” is indeed God, Himself. Why, are we stressing this point? Only because we desire for all people to know if you don’t “submit” to Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, you will never be able to accomplish God’s Will while upon the earth. While still looking at verse 5 we see that we should be subject one to another but many people are not subject to others simply because of their pride to do things their own way. Yes, this verse states to be subject one to another where the word “subject” means under one’s control or jurisdiction. Yes being subject to another is very similar to “submission” but subjection included the physical action considering just who the other person is (title, rank and position). Whereas “submission” is an attitude of heart. We all know there are people we could obey (just do whatever they say) but if our attitude isn’t right how could we please God with such actions? We can see in God’s Holy Word that your heart is more important to God then the works you produce with your hands. Surely, you can never impress God with your good works toward men while you reject The Word of God (Jesus) in your heart. Remember, 1 Samuel 16:7 English Standard Version which states, But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." Also, Ephesians 6:5-7 KJV which states, “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:” This means we commune with God from our heart or some could say with our heart and yet others would still be correct in stating “within” our heart. The point we are making is that “submission” is a healthy godly option to end all debate and strife because “submission” has nothing to do with agreement of thought but rather a holy understanding that “submission” is God ordained and necessary to move forward in times of conflict or division. The third part of verse 5a simply establishes the very real fact that the younger is expected to “submit to God”. Yes, do what the Word of God teaches in multiple references without wrath or doubting. “Submission” expresses a humble heart that knows even if they don’t understand everything in God’s Word they should do exactly what God states to be blessed by God. Yes, if the scripture states forgive someone you are upset with please in Jesus Name forgive them not because you feel like it but forgive with the right attitude because God told us to forgive in love independently of our feels when we submit to God’s Word. If you are encouraged to pray unto God please by all means pray fervently unto God according to His Word in Jesus Name. Now please don’t get us (ihlcc) wrong thinking that it is easy because we know it is not. Many times we have asked people are you willing suffer not having your way only to see in their eyes a resounding “No” because they don’t want to “submit” unto God’s Word. However Jesus showed us both a willing heart of “submission” in midst of resistance from His flesh not wanting to suffer. Remember Jesus sweat great drops of blood in the effort of “submitting” to the will of God, the Father in Luke 22:41-44. So please don’t take this lightly as simple quick change of thought, “no” your flesh will fight against “submission” to God every step of the way. Plus we have an enemy arrayed against us who will also tempt you to not “submit” unto God’s Word. Yes, whether reading your Holy Bible or knowing in your heart what you need to do next, we (ihlcc) beg you (plead with you) to “submit to God’s Will (His Word and His Love)” because that is the right thing to do and complete your spiritual (heart felt) “submission” by actually doing the good deed unto The Lord. We “submit” first then we follow through with the appropriate actions just like Jesus did when He completed the work of the cross. Thank God we don’t have to physically crucify ourselves today but we do still need to crucify our flesh in heart, in thought and in total obedience of “submission to God” our Loving Father and our Precious Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!